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Religious Toleration

Joint-Stock Company

Cash Crop


Triangular Trade route

Middle Colonies

New England Colonies

Great Awakening

Southern Colonies

Representative Government

Investors buy stock in return for a share of future profits.

The region of the 13 colonies that had greater religious and ethnic diversity than the other two.

The acceptance of different religious beliefs.

A crop grown to make a profit.

People chosen by citizens to make decisions on their behalf and to represent them in the legislature.

A religious movement that emphasized the importance of religious feelings to the colonists; colonists became more engaged in religion.

The region of the 13 colonies that had a long growing season and a warm climate that encouraged the growth of the plantation system.

The trade system between the U.S. colonies, Africa, and the West Indies.

The region of the 13 colonies that had a short growing season, cool climate, and poor soil.

A group that came to America to purify the church and promote virtue; believed members of their church were chosen by God.