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1 is the introduction of substances or other physical elements in a medium that cause it to be unsafe or unfit for use
2 is the philosophical concept, according to which human beings tend to share a series of inherent distinctive characteristics, which include ways of thinking, feeling and acting in the environment in which they operate.
3 the homogeneous mixture of gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere, which remain around the planet Earth by force of gravity
4 The shortage is the lack of basic resources such as water, food, energy, housing, etc. Which are considered fundamental to satisfy the survival or non-basic resources that meet different needs in human societies in several aspects.
5 is a temporary climatological anomaly where water availability is below than usual in a geographic area. Water is not enough to supply the needs of the plants, animals and humans that live in that place.
6 is a process whose objective is to convert waste into new products or material for later use.
7 fragment or other material that comes from the waste of construction, remodeling or demolition of structures.
8 it is the action that allows reusing the discarded goods or products and giving them a use that is the same or different from the one for which they were conceived.
9 the material that loses utility after having fulfilled its mission or served to perform a certain job. The concept is used as a synonym for garbage to refer to the waste that man has produced.
10 It is a woody plant, which branches out at a certain height from the ground.