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Collective Unconscious




Reaction Formation


ideas and feeling of which we are normally not aware

Lou is stuck in traffic and is angry. He drives on the shoulder to pass everyone and damages a lot of cars in the process.

aspect of the personality by which one is known to other people

unconscious urges seeking expression

Erika is sweaty after practice and wants to change clothes in front of everyone but she knows people would not approve, so she waits until she is in the locker room.

Kylie has a chance to cheat off the smartest kid in class but doesn't because it would be wrong.

Mrs. Black often accuses other women of talking too much and spreading rumors. It is rather obvious to those who know her that she is revealing her own inclinations in that area.

typical mental image or mythical representation

A woman has unacceptable feelings of hatred toward her mother, but lavishes attention and love on her.

moral guardian of the ego

memories and behavior patterns inherited from past generations

Your boss yelled at you, you yelled at your co-worker, your co-worker yelled at his wife, his wife spanked the kid, and the kid kicked the dog.