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Battle of Saratoga

Battle of Trenton

Battle of Yorktown

Treaty of Paris

Continental Army

Common Sense

Second Continental Congress

Battle of Bunker Hill

Declaration of Independence


The British surrender to George Washington and this became the last major battle of the revolution.

Peace agreement that ended the war of independence in which Great Britain recognized the independence of the United States.

Soldiers that fought not out of loyalty, but for pay.

Battle in New York that was a major turning point in the war. It was the greatest victory at that point for American forces.

Important Patriot victory in New Jersey in which American soldiers took 900 prisoners as George Washington took the enemy by surprise in 1776.

After King George III refused to address the concerns listed in the Declaration of Rights, delegates from 12 of the colonies meet again to show their dissatisfaction with Great Britain and created the Continental Army.

Army created from the Massachusetts militia by the Second Continental Congress that included soldiers from all colonies who would carry out the fight against Great Britain.

Early battle in the war for Independence in June of 1775. The patriots lost, but proved they could take on the Redcoats.

Document that announced the colonies split from Great Britain, written by Thomas Jefferson. The main arguments were that people have unalienable rights, including the rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Written by Thomas Paine, this pamphlet argued that citizens should make laws, not kings and queens.