New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Book a table

When I speak to him on the phone tonight,

When you see john,

I’ll wait for them

Remember to buy some stamps

We can go for a meal

I’m going to keep working

I’ll keep looking for it

Don’t forget to lock the door

I’ll stay in this job

Put in your application

We’ll wait

You shouldn’t wait. You should reply

When I’ve found the information,

until it gets dark, and then I’ll leave

while I find a better one.

until I find it.

as soon as you receive the invitation.

when you got out.

when you’re in the post office

I’ll ask him.

until I finish this

before the closing date arrives.

after we’ve seen the film.

I’ll phone you.

before you go to the restaurant. It’s often full.

until it stops raining, and then we’ll go out.

give him my regards