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Play Fill in the Blanks Game
The Pyrinees formed part of the ____________________ Empire after ____________________ established the ____________________ March , a defensive frontier region to defend his empire against the ____________________ . After the division of this empire ( Treaty of ____________________ , ____________________ ) , three separate regions developed :
Count Iñigo ____________________ expelled Frankish troops and became King of ____________________ . Later , this kingdom expanded southwards and became Kingdom of ____________________ .
The counties of ____________________ , Sobrarbe and Ribagorza broke away from Carolingian control . Count Aznar ____________________ rose to power in Aragon .
The Count of Urgell , ____________________ the Hairy , expanded his territories and won independence form Frankish rule . The catalan counties maintained good relations with the ____________________ of Córdoba , so it was a period of stability . They consolidated ther independence in the ____________________ century .