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1 It is a material that is used to build artificial muscles and has self-healing properties.
2 They are 3D-printed implants that hold bones together. The trick to hold the implants in place is a glue made from the patient own stem cells
3 It is a mesh that can be injected in the brain where it morphs with the brain tissue. Researchers hope to stop suffering from neurological disorders such as Parkinson and to better understand cognitive functions such as emotions
4 It is a new stent that acts like a scaffold allowing the body to replicate the structure with organic material. It offers fewer complications.
5 It is a 3D-printed combination that combines the strength and flexibility necessary to provide a viable replacement for human cartilage
6 It is an implantable lens that can be used to replace the eye’s natural one. It improves the vision of the patient.
7 It improves the look of aging skin.
8 It is a new kind of pacemaker that can be implanted by a catheter and only has the size of a vitamin.
9 They read the patient’s brain impulses in order to control prosthetics.
10 They are animal donor hearts that are bathed in a solution to strip all the animal cells except for the protein away. The hearts can be treated with a solution of the patient’s own stem cells in order to regrow a new one.