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Good Friday






Ash Wednesday



The last supper

Maundy Thursday

Virgin Mary


Palm Sunday

Easter Sunday

Jesus Christ

Easter Saturday

To fast

Mass/ service church

To abstain from all food.

Observed in the Christian Church as a commemoration of the Last Supper

is a place where you put a dead body.

was a relatively common form of execution (putting someone to death) in the Roman Empire.

a group of people moving forwards in a ceremonial manner

It commemorates the day that Jesus was killed.

is the name for the religion that Christians practice.

To get an ash cross marked on their forehead.

the Sunday before Easter. This marks Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem before his death.

is the name for the period of approximately 40 days before Easter.

the night before Jesus died, he ate together with his disciples (followers).

is historically a religious holiday.

he is the son of God, he is also a prophet. The main character of Christianity.

They celebrate that three days after being killed, Jesus rose from the dead, sometimes called 'the Resurrection‘.

The mother of Jesus.

Christians go to church to pray and do other things together.

means bringing something dead back to life.

is a common symbol of Christianity. It’s a cross with Jesus on it.

The day when Jesus lay in the tomb.