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Play Crossword Puzzle
1 To meet someone, To find something, It is used to express something that has come up by chance and was not a planned event or meeting
2 To fall to the ground To fail
3 To kill somebody or destroy something To remove something from inside somebody’s body To buy cooked food at a restaurant and carry it away to eat
4 To stop, To leave the road that you are travelling along, To make someone feel bored or no longer interested
5 To join a team during a game To tell somebody to hurry or to try harder To begin an activity
6 To become better To visit or make contact with somebody To look for information in a dictionary or reference book, or by using a computer
7 To give somebody the telephone To dress yourself in something To apply something to your skin, face, etc.
8 Submit, Surrender, accept defeat Offer or submit for judgement, approval