New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

A play in verse with incidental music, told of idyllic love in fields, woods, rustic youths and maidens, mythological characters

A vertical line to mark a division between bars/measures

Spontaneous-sounding singing used in opera to express emotion, sought to imitate speech

A lack of harmony among musical notes; a tension or clash from a lack of harmony

Technique where the composer wrote only the melody and the bass and the performer had to fill in appropriate chords in between

A melodious, strophic, lyrical monologue in an opera

Period of music where composers and performers sought to evoke specific emotions with their work

Combinations of sharps or flats indicating the key of the piece/what notes should be played

A drama sung to continuous or nearly continuous music and staged with scenery, costumes and action

Male singers who were castrated before puberty to preserve their high range

A play usually written with rhymed and unrhymed verse

A term used to describe accompanied solo singing of this time






Pastoral drama

Bar line


Basso continuo


Key signatures
