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1 The political belief that keeping the environment safe and sustained is more important than heredity for a culture or country.
2 A political party with principles to preserve what is established and is based on social stability and tradition. Preferring gradual development to quick change.
3 Is a political system involving the interests of one's own nation with the aim to become politically independent and seeks to preserve the nation’s culture.
4 A political philosophy involving liberty and equality. Often emphasize individual freedom, free competition, self-regulating market, progress and protection for political and civil liberties.
5 The political outlook that there should be no form of governmental authority and the desire that the society should be based on voluntary cooperation.
6 A political ideology and movement whose aim is a common ownership of the means of production and banishment of social classes, money and the state.
7 The factors or circumstances affecting the way people react.
8 A political theory of a system of society with no private property and the means of production are owned and controlled by the state.
9 A group of devoted admires or supporters.
10 A declaration of the principles and policies adopted by a political party or candidate.
11 The political position that supports a balance of social equality and social hierarchy, while opposing political changes.
12 A course or method of action adopted by an individual or group in hope of given conditions guiding and determining present and future outcomes and decisions.
13 A political theory that supports the rights and power of ordinary people by giving them what they want.
14 The theory that women should be treated equally to men; being allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men.
15 A system of ideas and concepts, especially about human life or culture and economic or political theory and policy.
16 A political philosophy that praises nation and often race above the individual person. It is characterized by a centralized autocratic government with a dictatorial leader, control of commerce and industry and suppression of opposition.
17 The political philosophy put into effect by the Nazis in Germany from 1933 to 1945, which included the dictatorial principle of government and predominance of Germanic groups that were seen as racially superior.