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Both act to regulate the activity of nerve cells in the parts of that brain that process visual information, determine heart rate, and affect emotions and the ability to think clearly. Low levels of one have been linked to depression, anxiety, PTSD and mood disorders

Type of chemical messenger (neurotransmitters) that is released when we experience stress or pain to reduce their negative effects and increase pleasure throughout the body. Also responsible for the euphoric feeling known as a “runners high” that happens after long periods of intense exercise

A protein that creates and protects neurons (nerve cells) in the brain, helps these cells to transmit messages more efficiently, and regulates depression-like behaviors

Involved in controlling movement and the body’s reward response system. Due to its role in how the body perceives rewards, it is heavily involved with addictions. When amounts of this chemical messenger are low, it is linked to mental health conditions including depression, schizophrenia and psychosis

Neurotransmitter that increases during exercise. Plays a role in sending messages about appetite, sleep, and mood. The target of a medication known as SSRIs or SNRIs which are used to treat anxiety and depression


Glutamate & GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid)



BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor)