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In his Farewell Address, the speaker is not just Lou Gehrig, but baseball hero and ALS victim Lou Gehrig, a common man who is modest and thankful for the opportunities he’s had.

“We’ll go shopping when I get home.” vs. “When I get home, we’ll go shopping.”

Because it is raining, therefore I should probably take my umbrella, since it will keep me dry on account of its waterproof material, unless, of course, there is a hole in it.

Gehrig’s attitude toward the audience is positive because they support him.

George Orwell's novel 1984.

Amelia combined her dinner idea with her mom's to make an even more delicious meal.

"In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course." –John F. Kennedy

You, sir, are making about as much sense as a dog trying to explain quantum mechanics!

Lou Gehrig’s subject in his speech is his illness, but it is also an expression of his gratitude for all of the lucky breaks that preceded his diagnosis.

The refrigerator sang; the girl's eyes were as blue as the ocean; the paint was green like grass.

Major Premise: Exercise contributes to better health. Minor Premise: Yoga is a type of exercise. Conclusion: Yoga contributes to better health.

By the way she spoke about the math project, it was clear that her attitude toward it was very excited.

Politician X proposes that we put astronauts on Mars in the next four years. Politician Y ridicules this proposal by saying that his opponent is looking for “little green men in outer space.”

You might want to write clearly and cogently in your English class.

The doctor did not need to explain to the girl that playing could cause further irreparable damage to her brain as she had a severe concussion.

When you open a book, you open your mind.