New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Lighthouse of Alexandria (Classic)

Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Classic)

Angkor Wat (Angkor, Cambodia)

Taj Mahal Agra (Uttar Pradesh, India)

Alhambra (Granada, Spain)

Chichen Itza (Yucatan, Mexico)

Hagia Sophia (İstanbul, Turkey)

Statue of Zeus at Olympia (Classic)

Kiyomizu-dera Kyoto, Japan

Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Temple of Artemis (Classic)

The Colosseum (Rome)

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (Classic)

Colossus of Rhodes (Classic)

Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)

Great Pyramid of Giza (Classic)

Great Wall of China

Moai (Easter Island, Chile)

Machu Picchu (Cuzco Region, Peru)

Petra (Jordan)