New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
A ____________________ is someone who comes to court and ____________________ to the ____________________ that they will tell ____________________ about what they ____________________ about your court case . There are many kinds of witnesses that might be part of your ____________________ case . Some are on your ____________________ , some are ____________________ ( not on anyone's side ) , and some are on the ____________________ side .

An ____________________ is someone who has seen something with their own eyes and can tell the judge what they ____________________ . They can be on either team .

An ____________________ witness is a person who , because of ____________________ or special ____________________ , can give an official ____________________ on a fact or piece of ____________________ in a case to help the judge make a better ____________________ . They can be on ____________________ team .

A ____________________ witness is a person who knows you ( the ____________________ ) very well and who can tell the judge things about you . They are on your ____________________ .