New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . ____________________ people learned how to grow their own food , they settled in villages .
2 . ____________________ the United States changed from an agricultural country to an industrial society , eating habits there have changed .
3 . ____________________ people in the USA moved to cities , they grew most of their food themselves .
4 . ____________________ people had to hunt for food , they moved from place to place .
5 . ____________________ food became scarce in one area , they moved to another area .
6 . The men hunted game ____________________ women gathered plants .
7 . Eating habits changed ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ people stopped moving from place to place in search of food .
8 . Women had to cook meals from scratch ____________________ they went to work in factories and offices .
9 . People started eating more processed food ____________________ their lives became busier .