New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 - At - last - ____________________ , healthy chocolates , that's a good development for us .
2 - Because you're now gonna - pour - ____________________ that into a - tray - ____________________ to make a whole load of chocolates for us .
3 - Of course , go ahead . - Yummy - ____________________ .
4 - France's love affairliaison with chocolate is no secret .
This country has produced some of the - finest - ____________________ chocolatiers in the world , like Nicolas .
5 - But when it comes to selling the finished product , some markets are proving harder to crack than others .
6 - He's in Tokyo , where the French - flag - ____________________ increases - brand - ____________________ value . He offers chocolate in the shape ofen forme de camember cheese and apples , specialties of his native Normandy .
7 - First , we cover the - mold - ____________________ with a very thin coating of red cocoa butter . They sell like hot cakes .
8 - Chocolate is a - sizable - ____________________ market in Japan , worth de six billion euros a year .
9 - High - end sweets are three times more expensive than in France that people are ready to spend and - eager - ____________________ to try new things .
Manufacturers have also been - keen - ____________________ to de develop locally - adapted chocolate products
Global confectionary - firms - ____________________ have been there for - decades - ____________________ .
10 - But chocolate has yet to - win over - ____________________ Chinese consumers , He - runs - ____________________ a school to
trainformer professionals to work with chocolate à la française .