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Your best friend just made the school soccer team!! How do you think she's feeling?

Julie got her math test back, and she made a really bad grade. How do you think she's feeling? What could you do to make her feel better?

Perry forgot his pencil pouch at home today. How do you think he feels? What could you do to help?

John's grandmother passed away last week, and today is his first day back to school after the funeral. What can you say to him when he comes to school?

Ryan forgot his glasses at home and is having a hard time seeing the board. What can you do to help him?

It's January and you have a new student in your class. How do you think he's feeling? What can you do to make him feel like a part of group?

Jenny is really having a hard time with the new math you've been learning. How do you think she feels? What could you do to help?

Your classmate always wears pants that are too big for him. You know he has older brothers at home, and that the pants are probably hand-me-downs. Sometimes kids make fun of him for wearing them. How do you think he feels? What can you do to help?

Sarah just received a brand new cell phone for her birthday. How do you think she feels?

Jack brought his favorite toy to school, and his classroom partner accidentally broke it. How do you think he feels? What could you do to help?

Today in the lunchroom, Jack slipped and his entire tray spilled everywhere! It was the biggest mess! How do you think he feels? What can you do to help?

Your friend's mom is having surgery today. How do you think your friend is feeling? What can you do to help?

Man, I know how I felt when I got a bad grade. I was mad at myself, and I knew that I might get in trouble at home. I think I will go over and encourage her, and see if I can help her figure out where she went wrong.

I don't have a cell phone, but I remember how I felt when I got the video game I really wanted! I was so happy, and couldn't wait to try it out. I think I will congratulate her and wish her a happy birthday!

Oh, man! I slipped one time on water as I was going to the bathroom. I was SO EMBARRASSED!! I think I will grab some tissues and go over and help him clean it up.

I hate when I forget stuff at home! It makes me mad at myself and scared that the teacher might be upset with me. I have three extra pencils. I'll share with him.

Math is pretty easy for me, but I really struggle in reading. That makes me feel really helpless and sad. I think I will see if I can walk her through the problem step-by-step and just keep on encouraging her. Hey, I wonder if she can help me in reading!

My little brother broke the clip to my iPad case. I was SO MAD and also kind of sad. I really liked being able to hold it a certain way when I would play games. I think I will go over and see there is a way we could fix it. Maybe it just needs superglue.

YES! I am so proud of her for making the team, and she is so HAPPY!! She has really worked hard at practice, so she really deserves this.

I know Ryan REALLY needs his glasses to see the board, and I sit closer than he does. So, I think I'll ask the teacher to see if we can switch places for today.

My mom has never had surgery, but I remember how I felt when she went into the hospital to have my baby sister. I was so worried about her and was scared that something might happen. I think I will go over and check with my friend, and let her know if she needs to talk, I'm here.

I have never had to wear hand-me-downs, but I have been teased for my pants being too short. It makes me feel so sad and even mad. I think I will go ask the teacher if she can help him with some yarn or zip ties for his pants, and then I think I will go see if he wants to play at recess.

I have never lost a loved one like that, but I know how much I love my grandma. It would make me really sad to know she couldn't be with me anymore. I think I will go sit with him and just be there for her. Maybe he might want to talk about it.

Gosh, I remember how I felt on the first day of school! I was SO SCARED! I didn't know anyone! It really made me happy when someone came over and just started talking to me. So, I think I'll do the same. I'll go over and introduce myself and welcome him to the class!