New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Today is my first day of mi new school , yesterday I enlist all my school supplies in my bag . My mom bought in the shop all I needed like new ____________________ , it I lose in the past year , also new ____________________ ____________________ beacuse I ended up in a work at my previous school , and ____________________ ____________________ , my mom thinks that I am ready to use that . She also bought things what she needed like ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ for her work and ____________________ for mark my notebook . My sister too bought a new ____________________ ____________________ because she broken it when I lend it .
When I arrive in the school the teacher write in the ____________________ with ____________________ her name and say us " Please take over your ____________________ and solve this problem "
At the final of the day she distributed our names in ____________________ - ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ for we stick in our places with ____________________ ____________________ or ____________________ although my new friend stick it with ____________________ ____________________ . I love my new school .