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A server is similar to ____________________ but serves many users .
A server is a computer ____________________ or a device that provides ____________________ for other programs or devices , called " ____________________ " . This architecture is called the ____________________ ? server model , and a single overall computation is ____________________ across multiple processes or devices .

Servers can provide various functionalities , often called " ____________________ " , such as :
____________________ data or resources among multiple clients , or
performing ____________________ for a client .

A single server can serve ____________________ clients , and a ____________________ client can use multiple servers .

Typical servers are : ____________________ servers , file servers , ____________________ servers , print servers , web servers , game servers , and ____________________ servers

Hardware requirement for servers vary widely , depending on the server's ____________________ and its ____________________ .

Since servers are usually accessed over a ____________________ , many run unattended without a computer ____________________ or ____________________ device , audio hardware and USB interfaces . Many servers do not have a graphical user interface ( ____________________ ) . They are configured and managed remotely such as ____________________ browsers .