New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
If she had studied , she ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the exam
She ____________________ ____________________ the exam if she ever studied .
If I ____________________ you , I ____________________ ____________________ out with that man .
If I hadn't eaten so much , I ____________________ have felt sick
If we had taken a taxi , we ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the plane
If I ____________________ the lottery , I ____________________ ____________________ a big house .
She wouldn't have been tired if she ____________________ ____________________ to bed earlier
She ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ a teacher if she ____________________ ____________________ to university
She ____________________ travel all over the world if she were rich .
If I ____________________ his number , I ____________________ ____________________ him .
He would have been on time for the interview if he ____________________ ____________________ the house at nin e