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Social Contract


Age of Enlightenment

Separation of Powers

Civic Virtue

Divine Right

Limited Government

Unlimited Government

Constitutional Monarchy

Checks and Balances

The belief that a citizen should do good things because it is their duty, not because they are told to do it.

A system that places absolute power in the hands of a ruler.

A government system where a monarch has complete control over the government.

The idea that God chooses the king.

An age where Europeans began turning away from traditions towards reason.

A system that split the powers of government into several branches.

A government system where power is limited by the people.

A monarchy ruled by an elected assembly and limited by law.

An agreement between the people and their leaders that stated that if the government failed to protect their natural rights, the people could replace the government.

A system that gives each branch of government the power to prevent the others from accumulating too much power.