New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Well , Lebanon is a beautiful country and living in Beirut always felt very ____________________ . I mean when you walk ____________________ the street you hear Arabic , French , English ? all sorts . A ____________________ ____________________ the population there speak more than one ____________________ . I like that . It's a great experience , I think . You understand that the world is full of different people and different ____________________ . And it's pretty similar in the Netherlands too , I guess . When I moved there to ____________________ I couldn't speak ____________________ or Flemish . I mostly communicated in ____________________ to start with . To be honest , it didn't actually
cause many ____________________ because people there are usually ____________________ in English . But I did some part - time Dutch ____________________ at ____________________ in the ____________________ and by the end of the first year I could get by . I hope I'm pretty fluent ____________________ but you'd have to ask my Dutch friends !