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____________________ First Responder is someone who immediately tries to help with some incident that occurs . This could be a response to someone who is hurt or injured , ____________________ natural disaster , or maybe your pet needs help .

The response might be ____________________ your house or ____________________ your neighborhood . When called , the First Responder is trained to come right away . They look for ____________________ surest way that the incident can be resolved ____________________ the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of damage to individuals and to property .

A First Responder is responsible for ____________________ protection and preservation of life , property , evidence , and ____________________ environment . They are trained ____________________ many areas like emergency management , public health , clinical care , public works , and in operating equipment . Together , they work to provide support services ____________________ the early stages of a situation .

They work to help in all response areas of prevention , response , and recovery . Prevention is trying to stop more things happening ____________________ the future . Response means what is done ____________________ the incident and how you react ____________________ the incident . Recovery means what is done to restore or rebuild back to what it was like prior to ____________________ incident .

Dialing 9 - 1 - 1 is one way you can ask for help from First Responders . You should know when it is appropriate to call this emergency help number . Dialing 9 - 1 - 1 ____________________ cases that are not emergencies should be prevented . It wastes people's time and takes away resources that are needed from other emergency situations .