New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

5. Forgetful

5. Frustrated

5. Helpful

5. Clumsy

5. Nervous

5. Secretive

5. Sad

5. Fred tried over and over to solve the math problem, but he suddenly crumpled up the worksheet and threw it in the trashcan.

5. Joshua kep his door locked and would never tell anyone what he was doing.

5. Mr. Franklin wondered why he was always slipping and tripping over things.

5. The small child's face was covered with tears as he sobbed endlessly.

5. As Karen sat in the waiting office, she bit her fingernails and jiggled her leg uncontrollably.

5. Vanessa left her lunch on the counter at the house and when she returned home, she realized she had left her eyeglasses on her desk at work.

5. Derrick offered to carry his neighbor's groceries into her house.