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Social Ecological Model

Social determinants of health


Obesogenic neighbourhood

Historical trauma

Harm reduction strategy

Index case

Proximity, density, connectivity, and land use mix

Healthy immigrant effect


Culturally competent care

The values, behaviours, practices, and assumptions learned from our membership in groups that share them

Factors such as housing, employment, socioeconomic status, and food availability that affect the health of populations

Factors that are used to determine the healthiness of a built environment

Negative health effects of mass trauma such as war and colonization that can be experienced for generations

Neighbourhood designed in such a way as to increase the likelihood its inhabitants will be obese

The study of changing patterns of health and disease across populations and geographic areas

The tendency for recent non-European immigrants to report their health as being above average upon arrival to Canada, but to report deterioration of their health over time

A model acknowledging that the individual is influenced by a collection of larger, inter-related, and cumulative contexts, such as organizations, communities, and governments

The first identified instance of a medical problem

Attempts to reduce the harmful effects of a behaviour when faced with the reality that the health-compromising behaviour cannot be eliminated from a population

Care that enables individuals, agencies, and systems to work effectively in cross-cultural situations. It involves first developing an understanding of cultural factors and then designing systems that effectively acknowledge those factors. It begins with an ability to critically reflect on one's own culturally based assumptions about one's self and others.