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Mary is pursuing a Basic Welding Certificate. Her mom can no longer watch Mary’s two-year-old son while Mary attends school. Mary needs to send her son to daycare, but she cannot afford it. Who should you refer Mary to?

April wants to become an EMT. She will have to pass Biology 2404, but she has been struggling in this class. Where would you refer April to?

John lives several miles from campus and cannot afford a car right now. He has been consistently late to class because he has to walk. Where would you refer John to?

Kelly indicated she is dealing with relationship issues that are hindering her success in college. She doesn’t know who to talk to about her situation, but she wants to talk. Who should you refer Kelly to?

Tim indicated he has a physical disability that prevents him from being able to take notes in class. Who should you refer Tim to?

Jake recently lost his part-time job. While scholarships covered his tuition and fees for the semester, he is having a hard time paying for groceries and toiletries. Jake is afraid his immediate needs could keep him from graduating with his Associate of Science degree. Where should you refer Jake to?