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She had 16 children, including Marie Antoinette. She was attacked by Prussia in 1740. She made an alliance with France and decreased the power of the nobility.

Besides his six marriages, he is known for his role in the creation of the Church of England when he separated from the Roman Catholic Church.

Became king when he was 3 year-old, took power when he was 16. Gave Russia a code of laws and ruled justly. In 1560, he accused the boyars of poisoning his wife. He organized his own police force, whose chief duty was to hunt down and murder people he considered traitors.

He led a cultural revolution that replaced the traditionalist and medieval social and political system with a modern, scientific, Europe-oriented, and rationalist system.

In 1580 after the King of Portugal died without an heir. This man seized Portugal and it’s territories in Africa, India, and the East Indies. He became one of the richest and most powerful leaders in Europe.

Her rule re-vitalized Russia, which grew larger and stronger than ever and became recognized as one of the great powers of Europe. The period of her rule, the Catherinian Era, is often considered the Golden Age of the Russian Empire and the Russian nobility.

He became King at the age of 5 and took control of France at the age of 23. He established the model of absolute monarchy, in which he ruled by divine right. Staggering debt and resentment over royal abuse led to revolution.