New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . A ____________________ is the name of a website

2 . A ____________________ is identifiable by looking at the record itself , xyz . domain . com .

3 . An ____________________ domain is a domain on the same hosting account as the primary domain but is pointed to a separate website .

4 . A ____________________ domain is a domain name that does not have a website of its own . It is forwarded to an existing website .

5 . An ____________________ ( Internet Protocol ) ____________________ is a numerical label assigned to each device participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication . . . like a computer , printer , router , etc .

6 . DNS ( ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ) is the service / configuration that translates domain names into IP addresses . DNS is also responsible for pointing the domain name to where the website files are located .

7 . ____________________ is the service of providing storage space through the use of servers for the purpose of making a website visible via the internet .

8 . A ____________________ is a computer that is designed to store and service the contents of a website to end users over the Internet .

9 . ____________________ hosting is when a website is sharing server space and the IP address with lots of other users . Think of it as an ____________________ ____________________ : same address ( IP address ) , but different apartments .

10 . ____________________ ( Virtual Private Server ) hosting is when a website is sharing the server space and the IP address with a lesser number of users . A VPS user is able to be the admin of their own server space . Think about it as a ____________________ .

11 . ____________________ hosting is when there is only one user on the entire server . Think of it as a ____________________ .

12 . ____________________ hosting uses the virtual resources of several clustered servers to accommodate the needs of a hosted website .

13 . A ____________________ ____________________ is where you can manage everything for your hosting account .

14 . WHM ( ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ) is a single interface to manage multiple websites . It allows you to add , delete , or edit multiple control panel accounts , and manage the server itself .

15 . ____________________ - ____________________ ____________________ means that the software is free of charge for anyone to use .

16 . ____________________ ( Content Management System ) is a software application , or set of related programs , that are used to create and manage digital content .

17 . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ is a combination of multiple programming languages ( HTML , CSS , PHP , JavaScript , etc . ) that tell your browser how to display the layout and information of your website .

18 . A ____________________ is a structured set of data stored on a website .

19 . The ____________________ ____________________ is the file within a website that is in charge of displaying the initial page ( home page ) you see when a website is viewed .

20 . The ____________________ ____________________ is the first or top - most directory in a hierarchy . It would be like the C : \ drive on your personal computer .

21 . WP THEMES : Controls the entire ____________________ and ____________________ of a WordPress website . WordPress provides you with ____________________ default themes when installed .

22 . WP PLUGINS : Adds ____________________ ( unique elements ) to a WordPress website . Examples are contact forms , maps , Ecommerce carts , etc .

23 . An ____________________ website is a site that accepts payments for services , goods , or donations .