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Play Matching Pairs


compensating filter

x-ray tube and tube housing

aluminum or copper

decrease number of photons reaching the patient

2.5 mm

added, inherent and total

kVp and total filtration


measures patient thickness


30 micrometers molybdenum or 50 micrometers rhodium

it is hardened

fixed aperture, cones, variable aperture

patient protection

produces uniform radiographic exposure over body tissues of varying thicknesses

what happens to receptor exposure as scatter decreases?

the material filters are made of

factors that affect the thickness of the HVL

types of beam restrictors

the required micrometers of filtration for mammography tubes

inherent filtration

this is how beam restrictors protect the patient

how many HVLs would be necessary to reduce the intensity of the beam to less than 10% of its original value?

with the use of beam restriction, _______ photons exit the tube port window.

to decrease in intensity

purpose of calipers

categories of filtration

what happens to the primary beam when using a filter?

when using a wedge filter, patient exposure will be _______ at the thinnest part of the filter

the primary purpose of beam restriction

what happens to contrast as scatter decreases?

fluoroscopy and mobile equipment are recommended to have this much Al equivalent filtration.