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"Martha Sevetson, an author at The Wichita Eagle, states that “More funds would be needed to cover the costs of paying the teachers and staff for one full year instead of for 180 days work.” (Sevetson 2)." (Vanhern Year Round School- A Mistake)

"Those in favor of year-round schooling may argue that low income families and families of at-risk students may benefit from the schedule because it emphasizes continual learning." ( Vanhern, Year Round School- A Mistake)

"Research collected by the National Education Association and Educational researchers Carolyn M. Shields and Steven L. Oberg at the University of British Columbia, found that after surveying parents, teachers, and administrators on the impact of year-round schools on student achievement results and standardized tests that students typically score lower on standardized tests at the end of summer vacation than they do on the same tests at the beginning of the summer (Know The Facts - National Summer Learning Association 1)." (Clark , The Argument for Year-Round School)

"Others may argue that the very thought of sending kids to school year-round makes some parents cringe because they believe sending their kids to school without the three-month summer break will be very stressful for their children, as well as receiving a two-week break every six weeks of schooling will be distracting to students. " (Clark, The Argument for Year-Round School)

"Even worse, summer break could contribute to income inequality. " (Clark, The Argument for Year-Round School )

"Kindergarten through 12th grade schooling must be year-round because other countries are surpassing American education, students forget what they have learned and must be retaught the following year , causing wasted, valuable time for new learning." (Clark, The Argument for Year-Round School)

"However, what these parents and McCracken do not realize is that with these two-week breaks every six weeks truly do benefit the students. Mary Brown, a middle-school teacher in Wake County (where three-week breaks occur every nine weeks), says she doesn't see that as a problem at her school." (Clark , The Argument for Year-Round School ).

"All year school ends up costing the school district and surrounding community more money than a traditional nine month schedule. " (Vanhern, Year Round School- A Mistake).

"In fact, Esther Fusco, an Associate Professor of Teaching, Literacy and Leadership at Hofstra University's School of Education in New York, weighs in on the debate of whether a longer school year is beneficial to school children. She says research suggests that “students in high-needs districts and those who have disabilities do better in year-round learning situations." (Vanhern, Year Round School- A Mistake )

" In fact, Esther Fusco, an Associate Professor of Teaching, Literacy and Leadership at Hofstra University's School of Education in New York, weighs in on the debate of whether a longer school year is beneficial to school children. She says research suggests that “students in high-needs districts and those who have disabilities do better in year-round learning situations. This is logical because these students do not have the down time that occurs over the summer. But the results are not very significant. I have not seen any study that shows students greatly improve.”' (Vanhern, Year Round School- A Mistake).

" The prospect of year round school is not beneficial to the taxpayers pocket, to the education a student receives, or to the people involved with the district." (Year Round School- A Mistake, Vanhern)

Claim For Year-Round School

Evidence- Anecdotal Newspaper

CounterClaim Against Year round School

Counterclaim- Clark

CounterClaim For Year round School

Reason for traditional School

Claim Against Year Round School

Evidence- Research by experts

Counterclaim- Vanhern

Evidence- Factual Expert Testimony

Reason for year-round school