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1 Controversial action based on Anglo-Saxonist arguments and strategic importance of the islands for the military and trade. Anti-Imperialist League argued that it was hard to rule a large nation from far away and it violated principles of freedom and self government.
2 Filipinos were denied the rights of American citizens after annexation and rebelled resulting over 200,000 casualties.
3 established the United States as an imperial power with an increasing role on the world stage
4 Peace treaty of the Spanish American War. Under the terms the U.S. obtained Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, and Cuba
5 Declared the Cuba would be an independent nation after the war.
6 Allowed restriction of full independence of Cuba, restricted Cuba’s foreign policy, allowed bases to be built in Cuba and U.S. intervention if Cuba became unstable in order to protect American military and economic interests.
7 Theodore Roosevelt’ cavalry unit made up of miners, law officers and cowboys
8 An American warship sent to protect American lives in Cuba that exploded in Havana Harbor. Using yellow journalism, it was reported that the Maine was sunk by a Spanish mine, which caused Americans to throw their support behind war with Spain. It was later determined that a possible design flaw in the ship’s coal bunker caused the explosion.