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A car mechanic makes a salary of $46,000/year.

A painter earns $150 for each painting he sells

A car salesman earns $5000 for every car they sell

A coder makes a $200 salary, plus $40,000 for each product coded

A painter makes a salary of $150 per week.

A car salesman makes a salary of $5000 per year


A coder makes a $40,000 salary, plus $200 for each product coded


A car mechanic earns $46,000 for each car he fixes.

the amount earned in one year

y = 150x, where x = weeks

y = 5000x, where x = years

y = 200x + 40,000

y = 40,000x + 200

y = 46,000x, where x = years

y = 150x, where x = paintings sold

y = 46,000, where x = cars fixed

an extra amount of money earned for selling or creating products

y = 5000x, where x = cars sold