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Play Matching Pairs


Cool Colors


Secondary Colors

Warm Colors

Complimentary Colors

Tertiary Colors

Primary Colors



Analogous Colors

Color Wheel

Two secondary colors mixed in equal proportions make up this type of color.

Describes a color that is calming or soothing in nature, such as blue, green, and purple.

Any of a group of colors from which all other colors can be obtained by mixing.

degree of difference between colors

The use of only one color.

Refers to light and dark values

A circle with different colored sectors used to show the relationship between colors.

A color resulting from mixing of two primary colors

Without Color

Three colors in a row on the color wheel.

Used to describe colors that are vivid or bold in nature such as red, yellow, and orange

Opposite colors on the color wheel. Example: Yellow/Purple, Red/Green, Orange/Blue