New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
You can find the answer of ____________________ and why our world is the way it is today on ____________________ .

Knowing the history of the ____________________ we live in is ____________________ because it help us understanding our ____________________ , therefore ____________________ things are the way they are , and where all the things we got now came from , this means we will be ____________________ to better comprehend our ____________________ .

Another reason to ____________________ about the ____________________ of our ____________________ , city and country is to be aware of what people did before and we should not ____________________ now , or in the other hand what things should ____________________ .

Even though , people say that ? history ____________________ itself ? , if we can learn from humanity mistakes , then we will be able to avoid repeating them in the future .

Finally , by studying ____________________ we will learn about culture , not just in our neighborhood , ____________________ and ____________________ , but in the different places around the ____________________ .