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1 Sure you've seen on the internet photos of dog dogs surfing on the beach. They are not photo montages. There are people who earn good money teaching dogs how to surf
2 You can look after panda bears at the Chinese Center for Protection and Research of the Giant Panda in Ya'an, China.
3 There are places where you are hired to sleep. Where? Well in medical sleep research centers.
4 he drives a red bus and the next stop is ricaurte
5 Flavors, colors, aromas, textures and also propose improvements on the product before it goes on sale.
6 It consists of tasting dog food and assessing its flavor and texture.
7 push a cart full of bonice
8 I understand that you do not like the risk of snakes and crabs, so another quieter profession is to count fish in the parks and natural reserves of the United States.
9 extract the venom from cobras, vipers or rattlesnakes. So companies can manufacture antidotes for stings or use the poison for scientific research and pharmaceutical products in perfumery.
10 This is like restaurant reviews, but something more specialized