New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . Most people start feeling ____________________ around 11 . 00 .
2 . They often open their mouth and ____________________ .
3 . They go to bed and ____________________ their ____________________ ( clock )
4 . They get into bed and put their heads on the ____________________ .
5 . Some people make a loud noise when they breathe while asleep . In other words , they ____________________ .
6 . They cover themselves up with a ____________________ or with ____________________ .
7 . During the night some people have bad dreams , called ____________________ .
8 . If you don't hear your alarm clock you might ____________________ .
9 . If you drink cofee in the evening , it may keep you ____________________ .
10 . Some people can't sleep because they suffer from ____________________ .
11 . These people often have to take sleeping ____________________ .
12 . Some people have a ____________________ or siesta after lunch .
13 . A person who sleeps well ' sleeps like a ____________________ '
14 . Someone who is sleeping very deeply is fast ____________________ .
15 . Someone who is tired after flying to another time zone is ____________________ - ____________________ .