New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Instructions : complete the spaces with the correct superlative adjectives .

1 . - I ( tall ) am ____________________ ____________________ person in my family .
2 . - Jupiter ( big ) is ____________________ ____________________ planet in our solar system .
3 . - Elephants ( large ) are ____________________ ____________________ land animals on earth .
4 . - We bought ( expensive ) the ____________________ ____________________ TV in the store .
5 . - Wich sports do you think ( dangerous ) are ____________________ ____________________ dangerous ?
6 . - My cat ( lazy ) is ____________________ ____________________ animal i know .
7 . - This restaurant serves ( good ) ____________________ ____________________ food in town .
8 . - I think math ( difficult ) is ____________________ ____________________ difficult subject .
9 . - What ( long ) is ____________________ ____________________ word in English that you know ?
10 . - He ( strange ) is ____________________ ____________________ man in the history .