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According to the literature , the history of ____________________ can be traced back to as early as the 7th century when the ____________________ in India tried to ____________________ themselves by drinking snake ____________________ . The first vaccination was ____________________ with human ____________________ , a practice widely ____________________ out in ancient India , Arabia , and China . This ____________________ of vaccination ____________________ of collecting ____________________ from a patient suffering from mild form of smallpox virus infection and ____________________ the sample to a healthy human , which later led to a minor infection .
This method was first introduced in England by a Greek named E . Timoni . However , this method had a risk of spreading smallpox in the community and even worsening the health ____________________ of the person who received the inoculation . While the use of human smallpox vaccine was ____________________ . E . Fenner came up with ____________________ smallpox vaccine in 1796 : this new method also faced controversy , but continued to be ____________________ . Smallpox became a preventable disease by injecting pus extracted from a human infected with cowpox virus . Jenner named the substance ? vaccine ? after the Latin word ? vacca ? ____________________ means ? cow , ? and ____________________ the process of giving ____________________ became ? vaccination ? .