New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . By the time we reach the summit , We will have hiked 3 miles .
2 . Hawai ____________________ - ____________________ a state since 1959 .
3 . When her youngest brother was born , She ____________________ - ____________________ from high school already .
4 . I ____________________ - ____________________ the ukulele every day this week , and I need a break .
5 - My family ____________________ - ____________________ this TV show since it first aired nine years ago .
6 - By the time the episode is over , the detective ____________________ - ____________________ - ____________________ both cases .
7 - The hiker ____________________ - ____________________ out the rattlesnake venom by the time paramedics arrived .
8 - The marine biologist ____________________ - ____________________ octopuses for eight years .
9 - They rowed as fas as they could , but the thief ____________________ - ____________________ the cave two minutes earlier .