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How many people are coming to the wedding party with you?

No one hurt my ankle while I was playing soccer.

It's strange! Ana went to the cinema by herself yesterday.

Only Mr. and Mrs. White took a trip throughout the country for two months.

When I first arrived at the United States and somebody told me "make yourself at home"

I can't believe Tom managed to finish the report in two hours. It was a lot of work.

How often do you have lunch alone in the staff diner?

I'm surprised! I didn't know you didn't call the mechanic. Who fixed the car?

They took a trip for two months by themselves.

Tom finished the report himself in only two hours.

Janice fixed the car herself, mom! I was surprised myself, too!

I hurt myself while I was playing soccer.

I understand now that they wanted me to feel comfortable in their house.

Only Susan and I, we are coming to the party by ourselves.

How often do you eat by yourself in the staff diner?

Nobody went to the cinema with Ana. She went alone.