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Only child

This family is made of a husband, a wife, and their children.

This type of family is where a man and woman choose to live together without the legal bonds of matrimony.

"Empty Nest Syndrome"

Extended family

When grown children leave the home and start out on their own, this can cause parents to then shift their focus from caring for the children to caring for each other once again. Known as what?

Cohabitative family

This child has the parent's undivided attention for a period, creating a sense of omnipotence, or unlimited power or authority.

This type of family may be sharing resources and roles.

This child may gain attention and importance from this position, which can influence their development.

This child has only adults for company and role models.

The child has a need to compete with the first child, always wanting to be as good as or better than the older sibling.

Oldest child

Youngest child

Second child