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Remember to switch off the lights when you go on holiday.

She tried giving up chocolate, but it didn't help her lose weight.

I remember switching off the lights when I went on holiday.

She was shopping and she stopped to get a cup of coffee.

I can't go on working like this - I'm exhausted.

She tried to catch the bus, but she couldn't run fast enough.

She regrets leaving school when she was sixteen. She wishes that she had studied more and then gone to university.

I forgot to call my mother

I will never forget meeting my boss for the first time.

We regret to inform you that the flight has beeen delayed for another two hours.

My boss came into the room, so I stopped browsing the internet.

I meant to phone your mother, but my mobile didn't work.

You have forgotten your homework again. That means phoning your mother.

After introducing her proposal, she went on to explain the benefits for the company.

Involve. Something has to be done to get a result

not to forget to do something

It refers to something that you've done in the past.

not to remember to do something


feel sorry about something you did or didn't do in the past

to continue with the same thing

have memories of an event in the past

do something to see what happens (test, experiment)

finish an action in order to do another action

to change the activity

make an effort to do something that is not easy and not succeed

finish doing an action

feel sorry that you have to give someone bad news