New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 ) Susan ____________________ already ____________________ the dishes . ( wash )
2 ) I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ that book yet . ( not read )
3 ) We ____________________ just ____________________ our homework . ( finish )
4 ) They ____________________ already ____________________ lunch . ( eat )
5 ) He ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ since morning . ( not shower )
6 ) Patty and Paint ____________________ just ____________________ back from Korea . ( come )
7 ) He ____________________ ____________________ Japanese for 4 years . ( study )
8 ) Bam ____________________ just ____________________ a new car ! ( buy )
9 ) Don't talk about that movie . I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ it yet . ( not see )
10 ) My mother ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ any coffee today . ( not have )