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Estates General

National Assembly



National Convention

Constituent Assembly

Legislative Assembly

Name given to the National Assembly after the Tennis Court Oath, when the representatives of the 3 estates promised to stay together until France had a constitution.

Assembly elected by all adult mates. It governed France from 1792 to 1795. Initially it was controlled by the Girondins, after by the Jacobins.

Medieval assembly with representatives of the three estates. The king needed to call it to impose taxes to the first and second estate.

Moderate government led by a five-member _______________. Legislative power was held by two chambers.

Assembly formed by the representatives of the third estate. They considered themselves as the only legitimate representatives of the French nation.

Government in which authority was supposed to be shared between three consuls; but in fact Napoleon was now the real ruler of France.

Assembly formed after the establishment of the 1791 Constitution. Its goal was to pass new laws to continue with the abolition of the Old Regime.