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The site of photosynthesis in plant cells.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum


It packages cell products into vesicles. It is part if the membrane system, it functions to package materials made by the cell into vesicles for transport.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

They are microtubule organizing centers. They control the making of microtubules in the cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella and cell division.


Golgi Apparatus

The control center of the cell.

Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane)

The powerhouses of the cell. They turn carbohydrates into usable energy.

A network of membrane within the cell covered by ribosomes. It transports and packages proteins made by the ribosomes.



A membrane bound sac containing water, food or waste. Used for transport or storage of food water or waste.

It controls passage in and out of the cell. A bi-layer of phospholipids which prevents some substances from entering or leaving the cell


A network of membrane within the cell without ribosomes. It transports and packages lipid products made by the cell.