New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Once ____________________ a time , an old carpenter ____________________ Gepetto , who had no family , decided to ____________________ himself a wooden dummy so he wouldn't feel ____________________ and sad anymore .

? What a ____________________ work I have ____________________ ! I ____________________ call him ____________________ ? - the old man exclaimed with great joy while giving him the last touches . Since then , Gepetto spent hours ____________________ his beautiful work , and ____________________ that this wooden boy could move and talk like all ____________________ .
Such was the intensity of his desire , that one night the Fairy of the ____________________ appeared in the ____________________ of his room . " As you are a man of noble heart , I will grant ____________________ what you ask and give life to Pinocchio " - said the ____________________ fairy and waved his wand over the wooden doll . At the moment , the figure came to life and shook his arms and head .

- Dad dad ! - He mentioned in a melodious voice waking up Gepetto .

- Who's there ?

- It's me , dad . ____________________ am Pinocchio . Do not ____________________ recognize me ? - Said the boy approaching the ____________________ man .

When he managed to ____________________ him , Gepetto carried him in his arms and began to ____________________ with such emotion . " My ____________________ , my dear son ! " The old man shouted jubilantly .