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Mixed Design Analysis of Variance (mixed design ANOVA)

A ______________ design is a special type of within subjects design using one participant or one group to assess changes within that individual or group.


When one independent variable’s influence on the dependent variable changes depending on the level of the other independent variable

Quasi-independent Variable

Main Effect Hypothesis and Interaction Effect Hypothesis

Waiting-list control group


What are the two types of hypotheses in factorial designs ?

A single-subject design in which researchers establish a baseline (A), introduce the intervention (B), remove the intervention (A), and then reintroduce the intervention (B), measuring the dependent variable each time.

Define an A-B-A-B design experiment.

A hybrid design is any factorial design that has at least one _______________.

A _________________ tests for the difference between two or more independent variables, where at least one is a between-subjects variable and another is a within-subjects variable.

What type of control group receives no form of therapy/treatment until after the study is completed?

Define an interaction

When the participants are asked to read a scenario or situation and react to it that is called __________.