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Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Another sign of an ____________________ with technology - slash - social ____________________ is if you check it in the ____________________ and you check it in the ____________________ too , before you go to ____________________ ; and if that becomes your usual routine ____________________ single day , well then . . . you've got a problem too ! Personally , I am so guilty of this ? and what makes it worse is , I will check every ____________________ media and then cause it's taken me ____________________ minutes to check through it all , I think it is long enough to go all the way back and recheck the social medias again ! I really shouldn't do that .
The next one is , is if you feel you can't ____________________ if your TV ____________________ or if ____________________ phone broke ? and I tell you , a sign of someone who's ____________________ with their phone is ? hold on ? if you have one of these bad boys , a portable ____________________ , it means you're obsessed with your phone ____________________ you just don't want it to ____________________ . The only thing I think I could cope with it breaking is probably my ____________________ because I know I'll have other devices to ____________________ TV on ? so whether that's my ____________________ or my phone , I'm good . Just as long as my ____________________ doesn't break ! I have this really bad attachment with my phone .