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Made of continental crust- Shallower than the deep-ocean basin

Individual mountains of volcanic material

Begins at the edge of the shelf and continues down to the flattest part of the ocean floor

The base of the continental slope, is made of large piles of sediment

Begins at shoreline and slopes gently down

Huge cracks in the deep-ocean basin

Made of oceanic Crust- deeper than the continental margin

Sound Navigation and ranging Scientists send sound pulses from a ship to the bottom of the ocean floor The sound moves through the water, bounces off ocean floor and returns to ship

Mountain chains that form when tectonic plates pull apart. Creates cracks in the ocean floor called RIFT ZONES

is the Study of the shape and features of Land surfaces

Ocean Trench

Mid-ocean ridge

Deep-ocean basin

Continental rise

Continental slope

Continental Shelf



Continental margin
